Monday, September 6, 2010

Dawg Wash Day

I figure a dog needs to be washed a couple times each summer whether he or she needs it or not!  So today, Labor Day, was designated a wash day for the pups.  I don’t know how long this “clean” will last, but it was due.  So enjoy the pictures of the wet ones!  Good thing they’re Water Dogs!
Baby Dog (Moxie) was first.  Docker was nervous about this because he usually goes first.  He was circling around trying to decide if he should jump in too.
Good thing we have whitening shampoo!
Docker got his chance!
Docker wanted to be lifted off the tub but dad made him jump down and walk to the deck for drying time.
Since they were good, they were promised treats after the bath.  This is the anxious wait for dad to return from the garage with a bite of something awesome!  They hung out on the deck until they were dry and then they tore around like crazy dogs!!  It’s always interesting!
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Clean & howlingly happy Dawgs!!